Progress on Nathanael

Escape from the Abyss, book 5

Book five, Nathanael, is coming along at a faster pace than I expected. I’m already 7,000 words ahead of schedule, and I hope to keep it that way (and maybe get further ahead as I continue writing). The story is really flowing, which is nice when that happens. What I mean is that I have so many ideas in my head, and the scenes are just popping. My fingers can hardly keep up with what I’m thinking. I’m really liking this deep first-person point of view. When I first started writing, I thought of first-person as being too restrictive. That was because I didn’t have enough words to form a novel, and I needed to insert other points of view to expand the story. That gives the reader a kind of “God’s view” of what is going on, but it also can reveal too much too soon. With a restrictive first-person viewpoint, I only show what the protagonist sees, and that’s it.

As I mentioned before, Sylvia Wright was going to be the protagonist of this book. Everything will be through her eyes. So far, I have a complex mess of Nathanaels from mothers who are narcissistic and willing to lie about their own history. The Tome, of course, gives clues, and that helps to weed out the kids that are not the right Nathanael. But I’m already 20% into the story, and I’m already juggling several Nathanaels. When I get to the 25% mark, I’ll be switching from Act I to Act II. There will be an event that will force Sylvia forward in the story. So far, it looks like that scene is going to occur at about the right spot, which is unusual. Normally, I have to add a sub-plot, move some scenes, or cut something to line up the break into the Act II scene.

Oh, and The Archons is still selling for 99 cents. If you’re thinking about getting into this series, take advantage of the cheap price now. I’ll be putting the price back to its normal price just before releasing Nathanael.