Short Stories

The Chronicles of the Clavius Moon Colony

AI Patch

The satellite shop receives a patch to upgrade its operating systems. After installing the patch, the new artificial intelligent upgrade takes control of their systems. Tim knows that the computers control life support as well as other critical systems. When the AI decides it is going to take control of everything, it’s a race to see if it can be shut down before killing everyone in the colony.

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A New World

After an interstellar journey of one hundred fifty years, Russel Keating and his extended family arrive at a new world. When they arrive, there are primitive people already living on the planet they expected to be uncolonized.

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Rogue Phoenix

Rogue Phoenix is a short story (6,200 words) about a hacker that takes control of a power satellite in lunar orbit. Phoenix satellites collect energy from the sun using solar cells. The energy is then beamed to a collection plate on the surface of the moon using a microwave beam. The beam is very tight and focused. It’s also very powerful and can cook almost anything in seconds. When satellite control detects that the beam has wandered off the receiving pad, an investigation is launched to find out why and how to stop it. Soon our intrepid technicians discover that the beam is headed toward the dome where the mayor of this lunar outpost lives.

Can they solve the crime and catch the hacker? Can they regain control of the satellite in time to save the colony?

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Alien Surprise Attack

Sergeant Swift and his band of soldiers are on a mission. It’s a slam-dunk mission, planned to the smallest detail. Get in, blow up the facility, and get out. Simple.

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The Space Junk Collector

When Randal and Holly receive a distress signal from an uncharted world, they set down to assist any survivors. They are surprised that an old man by the name of Fred is the only survivor who lives on the planet with an extensive junk collection. Rescuing Fred seemed like a good plan until they discovered that junk collecting isn’t his only hobby.

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