Ready to Publish

I have a few more things to fix in Nathanael. Then, I’ll hit the publish button. I really like the way this story came out. There are no slow spots. I had so much material to work with when I wrote this story that it just fluently moved along from one scene to the next. As I mentioned earlier, when I started this book, I used a deep first-person point of view. Every scene is from Sylvia Wright’s point of view. That made the story more challenging to tell because I had to have her in certain locations so I could add context to the story. That meant that I had to work in a reason for her to be someplace. Overall, the technique worked really well. In some scenes, like a couple of battle scenes, she is not inside someone’s cockpit, so she only experiences the battle from her point of view. When I first thought about this, I worried that it would make the story boring, but it worked better than I anticipated.

There is a lot of intrigue in this story. If you picked up a copy of the Tome (freely available if you sign up for the newsletter), you’ll know that there is a section in Revelations called “Nathanael.” He plays a pivotal role in the story, and he’s the reason for the book (as if you couldn’t tell by the title).

Keep your eyes peeled, the eBook version should go out shortly. Tonight or by tomorrow night.