Editing Nathanael

I’m 21% through Nathanael for my re-read and editing. I have a few fixes I have to do when I catch up to that part of the story (I sometimes mark scenes that need to be fixed and come back to them later). The total words at the moment sits at 85,000, but I’m certain it’ll wrap up around 90k.

Books 6 and 7

I have tentative book titles and covers for the last two books. I’ve settled on two more novels because there is too much material to properly wrap the series up in one novel. Here are the sample covers:

I’m sticking to the astronaut theme, but I may buy a full set of new covers after the entire series is complete. I’ll have to shop around for a cover designer who is willing to do a 7-book set with a common theme that more closely matches the sub-genre.

The Chronicles of Daphne

I’ve spent some time late at night (as if I have all this spare time to do stuff like this) to re-read through the Daphne books and give them a light touch edit. I have to admit that my writing skills have come a long way over the past two years. When you write a book, you can’t see it, but when you go back years later, it punches you in the nose. So I’ve been reading through and fixing grammar, an occasional spelling error (mostly tilted is spelled titled), wrong word usage (like wander vs. wonder), and awkward sentences that throw the reader out of the story. I have fought the urge to rewrite entire scenes because I don’t have that kind of time to spend on those books. I have no plans to pull those stories down and do a rev two or anything like that. Maybe I’ll change my mind later. I could probably spend my time writing something new and get better results.

Back to Nathanael

I should be able to wrap up editing by the next four or five days. That means I might be able to do the read-out-loud next Saturday and Sunday (that would be sweet). Estimating Monday and Tuesday after that to fix anything that is found in the ROL… would put the publish date by the end of next week, somewhere between Wednesday and Friday (May 8th – May 10th).

Stay tuned…

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