Writing Progress

In my previous writing progress post, I mentioned that Doorway would tentatively be released mid-June. Unfortunately, the story is not to my satisfaction and I have hired an editor from Reedsy to help me fix the story. This will be a learning experience for me since I’ve never worked with an editor before. I’m hoping that I can make this into a killer story that everyone can enjoy. I like the premise and think that the story has legs. It just needs some structural rework and then I can polish it and release it.

In the mean-time, I have other stories that I’m working on. I’ve spent a lot of time developing story ideas that I’ve created in the past. Some of these are not big enough to turn into a novel. I’ve spent some of my writer’s block time creating short stories out of those. Ultimately, I’d like to collate a dozen or so short stories into an anthology. For now, I have two completed and published (“The Traveler” and “Rogue Phoenix“).

In my pile of “ideas,” I have a dozen moon colony story ideas. Rogue Phoenix came from one of those ideas. A few of the moon colony stories are definitely novel-length stories, others are going to end up as short stories. I also have ideas for a continuation of “The Traveler” short story. The first story beyond “The Traveler” will be novel-length and I have a rough outline that has enough story to span two or more novels.

If you would like to have a heads-up when Doorway is ready, you can subscribe to the newsletter (add your email to the box to the right). I have not begun to send out regular newsletters. I will, however, send out a notification when my next book is about to be published. If you provide your email, it will never leave my database! As a tech-guy, I hate spammers and I dislike the way large companies sell personal information.