
I just checked and noticed that it has been almost 2 weeks since my last post. It’s been a busy two weeks. If you’re tracking my progress according to words written you’ll think I’m behind schedule. I decided to loop back to the beginning and fix stuff I had left hanging. Basically, it’s part of my editing phase that I’m knocking out early. I plan to get back to where I left off by the end of this weekend. Then my word count will increase rapidly again. I still have a few scenes to write, but those should go fast. I know how this story is going to end. It’s just a matter of putting those words down. But, before I do that, I want to make sure I have all the previous scenes cleaned up so there isn’t some piece of the puzzle missing when it all comes together.

The bottom line is that The Encounter will be published by the first week of December as I planned earlier. There are no unexpected hiccups in the story, though I did have a scene that just rubbed me the wrong way. Today, I deleted the scene and rewrote it from scratch. That happens once in a while. I don’t like the way it sounds, or the information that is revealed, or not revealed. In this instance it went in a direction that I wasn’t happy with, so I had redirected the story in a later scene with the plan to rewrite this one later on. Well, it’s later on and I finally got it done.

The word count is currently at 97k words. With the scenes I have left, it’s definitely going to go over 100k, probably closer to 110k or more.

Hang in there, it’s coming.