The Work Continues…

Final Match is close to rough draft complete. I estimate that I have about another 10,000 words, and then I’ll have to fix issues that have cropped up along the way. After that comes the editing, and finally, the Read-Out-Loud part. I had four down days while I traveled last weekend for a family event. That cost me my lead. This weekend might be our last weekend to hike, which might eat into my word count a bit. I suspect I’ll be done with the rough draft by the weekend anyway, so that won’t make a difference (unless I need more scenes to connect everything together). Ah, the joys of wrapping up a book.

If you’re coming here for the first time, Final Match is the last book of the Escape from the Abyss series. The widget on the right side of this blog tracks the progress being made on that book. I only focus on one book at a time until completion, and I have a spreadsheet with projections and my updated progress to stay on track. Final Match is scheduled to be published in early October. I’ve been successful with previous books at publishing on time or usually a bit early. This book is special because it’s the end cap of a series, and I may spend a little extra time fixing anything that doesn’t measure up. That would be the only thing that would delay the expected publish date. According to my spreadsheet, I’m tracking equal to Nathanael based on the same number of days. Both books were at 90,000 words by this time. I expect this book to be around 100k in length.

Now it’s back to my writing…

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