The Traveler Series

I’m writing the rough draft of the second book for the Traveler Series (as I mentioned I would do in my previous posts). I have tentatively named this book “Survival.” I have a possible name for the third book, too: “Dead End.” I have to scramble to get some covers together for both books simultaneously. Then, I’ll put them up on this site so everyone can get a look at them.

This is the first time I’ve attempted to hash out two books at the same time. The scenes are somewhat set for book 2, and I have ten scenes written. It’s been a slow start. My first idea didn’t fit well with a trilogy, so I scrapped my original story idea and came up with something even better. So far, I’m about 6,000 words behind schedule, but that’ll be easy to make up now that I know what I need to write. This was one of those books where I had some of the scenes in mind but wasn’t sure where I wanted to take it. So, I started writing the scenes I knew I would use, and that led me to the point where I was able to figure out the connecting scenes. Sometimes, you have to get some words on paper to visualize how you want the story to come together.

Anyway, if you’ve read the first book (Desperate Action), then you know the feel of the story. I wanted to make sure I maintained that “feel” because it’s critical to the whole story. I also know how the story ends, so it was just a matter of creating the connecting subplots to make the story go from the first book to where it’s going to end. My original plan was to write between five and ten books. I had thrown down a few story ideas from which I could create novels, but nothing more. This story has enough characters to carry it through a ten-book set, but my recent decision to make this into a trilogy forced me to consolidate my story ideas into two books. As you can tell, I’m trying to convey what’s in my head without revealing any spoilers, and it’s killing me!

If you haven’t checked out Desperate Action, go to Amazon (or any of your favorite booksellers) and read the blurb. It’s a completely unique story that is based on the free short story called “The Traveler,” which you can download for free by signing up for the newsletter on this site.