The Encounter

We’re doing the read-out-loud part of the book. That means that the Mrs. and I read the book out loud and catch the stupid stuff. Then I correct things that the grammar checker doesn’t catch (it’s amazing how much the grammar checker can’t find). So far, we’re about 30% complete. I anticipate that it’ll take us one or two more days to do the read-out-loud part, and then I usually have some final cleanup and some formatting tasks. After that, it’ll be published. I adjusted the total word count of the widget to the right to reflect that the book is 100% done. Technically, it’s not 100%, but it’s really close. Assuming we don’t run into a technical problem with the story (which is rare), it should be done in two to three days.

Just like any other book I’ve published, I’ll announce it here as well as send out an email to the mailing list on the day I publish it.