Supercomputer Released!

I hit the publish button on the latest Daphne book called Supercomputer. It’s set for Kindle Unlimited, so take advantage if you have KU. This is the fifth book in the series, though you can read them in any order. Will I be continuing the series? I am planning to add more books to this series in the future. Right now I’m focused on a new series called The Traveler. I plan to sneak in at least one Daphne book per year and grow the series (I have too many ideas for other books I want to write for the Daphne series).

The paperback is not ready yet, but that usually only takes me a couple of hours to format and upload. Expect that to be available Sunday or Monday.

As of now (7:42 PM Eastern time on 9/24/2022), the book is “in review.” Amazon is excellent about reviewing new books and getting them up on the cloud, so it should only be an hour from now before it shows up for sale. If you don’t see the book yet, just return to Amazon in an hour and check again. If anything goes wrong with their review and I have to make significant changes, I’ll post a follow-up message to warn everyone.