Slow but Steady

I’m still deep into the rough draft of Desperate Action. Things have slowed a bit because I had a few sub-plot ideas that I wanted to incorporate into the story. These provide some twists that make the story more exciting. Sometimes, I don’t think about all the possible sub-plots until I get a large chunk of the story written. Then It occurs to me that I should have put something in earlier in the story so it all converges near the end. It’s all good and I like the way the story has progressed.

As of this post, I’m at 57k words. I have one major scene that I need to finish to tie up the book. Then I have to go back and add some more to a few of my earlier scenes. I left some notes of things I need to fix. That’ll take some time and it’ll slow my words per day. Some day, I’m going to switch my technique to writing in the dark and see how that goes. I’ve given it a small trial with a short story, but I didn’t have the time to finish that story (I have to keep my ADD under control and focus on this book first). This story was already outlined before I decided to try writing in the dark, so I just went with my old writing style to get this one out the door.

Anyway, I’m still hammering out words and I’m pretty close to the end. I think the first book is going to be somewhere between 60k and 65k words.

Other Things…

I have several mini stories that I want to do that are spin-offs of the first book. These are backstories of things that occurred before the first book and I’ll probably write them as short stories, though one of them feels like a full novel. I’ll probably give one or more away for free (if they’re short). I could also include a short story as a bonus in the back of book 1 if I get it done. Now you can see how my ADD kicks in and just takes over.

Anyway, I have extensive notes about what I want to write. There are stories there. All I have to do is start with a character and start writing what they experience. I have enough material rattling around in my head to make it all come together.

Stay tuned.