Progress on Final Match…

I’m still ahead of my quota for words done on the rough draft. In fact, I managed to write more than my quota each day of the week, and now I’m back to being 7,000 words ahead of schedule. As of this writing, I haven’t started writing for today yet. I have to complete 2,000 words to meet my daily quota, of which I’ll hammer out in about two hours. Then I’ll try to get further ahead because I’ll probably go hiking tomorrow. So, the total words at this time is almost 27k.


Don’t forget that The Chronicles of Daphne Blazefire are free right now. This promotion will only last until Monday (August 5th, 2024). So, click on the link above and grab all five books now. Tell your friends and family. Amazon only allows me to run a promo every 90 days per book, so this offer will not come around again for some time.

Also, Desperate Action was supposed to be on a 99 cent countdown deal for the same time frame, but my settings on Amazon didn’t take. Soooo, I just set it up to be free starting tomorrow (August 4th, 2024) until Thursday, August 8, 2024.

Status of New Covers for Abyss Series

I received a sample image of the first cover for The Archons, the first book of the Escape from the Abyss series. It’s good. It’s real good. As soon as my cover designer completes all the covers (and I pay for them, of course), I’ll post them here so you can see what they’ll look like. I suspect that by the time you get a chance to see them here, I’ll have them on the books, but that can depend on the Amazon delays.

The new covers are for all seven books in the series, so Final Match will receive a new cover before it is published. That tiny icon on the right will flip to the new cover when it becomes available.