I have the goods

I crunched the numbers and came up with mid-March. That’s when books 2 and 3 of The Traveler series will be published. This project will be different from all my previous projects. I’ll be writing both books back-to-back. That means I’ll write the rough draft of book one and go right into the rough draft of book two before editing and the read-out-loud final edit. Then, I’ll publish both books on the same day. The estimate was a bit tricky because of the holidays coming up. There are a few days that I counted as zero words per day, and there are going to be days where I’ll get more than normal (because I plan to take the week between Christmas and New Year off with no relatives). The book sizes are estimated at 90k, but that’ll depend on how the story goes. I’m pretty sure It’ll be tough to keep it that low since I originally planned to write several books to cap this series.

That means that book 5 of the Abyss series will be around June (totally rough guess there since it takes me three months to write those books).

Now that I set a deadline, it’s time to get to work!