Free Stuff!

Books in KU allow the author to set up a Kindle deal they call the Free Book Promotion. This promotion can be used every 90 days for up to 5 days. So, I chose three books from my collection and set them to be free starting Thursday (9/19) for five days straight (ends on 9/23).

Here are the three books to keep an eye out for:

The Space Junk Collector and AI Patch are short reads, and Crimson Justice is a 160-page novel (a short novel).

The Space Junk Collector is a story that I submitted to Asimov. It was my first rejection! Woot! Well, I was testing to see how the submission process worked and didn’t expect my first to be lucky enough to get published, though it would have been nice.

Anyway, AI Patch is the second of a series I wanted to write (I have a bunch of ideas for this series involving a colony on the moon). The first was called Rogue Phoenix, which is free on Smashwords (click here). You don’t have to read the two books in order. They are independent stories.

Crimson Justice was my first novel. I worked on writing a novel for a couple of years and struggled to get enough words into a story to exceed 50k words (which is a small novel). So, in 2019, I decided to do the NaNoWrIMo contest on my own. That was where I learned to just get the words down and then clean it up. I don’t use that technique so much anymore, but it got me over the hump of worrying about each sentence and grammar while I should have focused on the scene. Now, I imagine what a scene looks like and work on pulling the reader down first, then start the action. Anyway, after I wrote the first draft (which was a disaster), I decided it had good bones, so I rewrote it and decided I would publish it just to see how publishing works. Once I got that book out on Amazon, I learned enough to actually start publishing books. Crimson Justice topped out at 64k words.

Grab these eBooks on Thursday (or when you get a chance between Thursday and next Monday) and save them aside for a day when you want a quick read.

Other Free Stuff

In case you haven’t checked out the links on the right panel of this blog (who pays attention to that stuff?). There are several books that are always free. They are:

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