Desperate Action Paperback/Hardcover

I just hit the publish button for the paperback and hardcover versions of Desperate Action. Amazon should have it available for purchase by tomorrow. Assuming there aren’t any cover sizing issues (the cover art is so difficult to line up with Amazon’s online tools). I’ll probably be the only person to buy the hardcover version (unless this series becomes spectacularly popular) because the price is pretty high. I always order author copies for myself so I can double-check what the book looks like in print. I have a bookshelf full of paperbacks from my previous books. Some of the paperback versions of my short stories are hilarious. They look like comic books, but they format pretty nicely.

I still have one more task to perform. I have to publish to Draft2Digital and Kobo. Then I’ll be released from this project for some time.

I’m over halfway through re-reading and editing Daphne (I put several hours into it today). I should be done with the re-read by tomorrow or Thursday (12/15). Then I can plow ahead with the rest of the rough draft. With any luck, I can get the rough draft completed by next week. I have a week off between Christmas and New Year’s that has no plans attached (of course, that could change). That will give me a large chunk of creative time to pour into the Escape from the Abyss series. Hopefully, I can knock out the drawings and the text for The Tome of Revelations during that time. That would leave me with a clean start for the first book (The Demons) starting in January.