Daphne is done!

I finally finished editing this book and put it into the list of books that are free for newsletter subscribers to download. If you want to read the book, the only way to get it is to sign up for the newsletter and download it for free.

I updated the “Books in Progress” web page on this site to reflect the fact that Daphne is no longer in progress. The number one book in progress right now is The Demons and it’s still in the rough draft phase. In fact, that book is already more than 64k words long and I’ve only crossed over the halfway point.

The Demons

I’m deep into the second half of this book. There’s a major twist at the mid-point and the book feels like two stories. I won’t go into details about the two halves of the book, but I can safely say that the second half is going to be intense. I have notes and a rough outline that I’m using to write the second half. My average daily rate is about 1,700 words. That means that it’ll take about 35 days to finish the rough draft. Which is approximately inside the month of March. Then there will be edits. I’ll be spending extra time on this book to make sure the story fits together correctly. It’s the first of a long series and I need it to go off with a bang.

The Traveler Series

The promotion for the first book of this series, called Desperate Action, is still listed at the promotional price of 99 cents. I’ll run it at that price until the end of February. The reviews on this book are good, so once The Demons is published, I plan to switch back to The Traveler series and write the next book. During that time, I’ll be running a promotion on The Demons and evaluating how well it’s performing. If I get two series going at once, I’ll have to alternate writing one book from each series at a time. If it turns out that one of these two series doesn’t sell, then I’ll wrap up the series with one final book and call it a day.