Book Progress…

The Demons

The read-out-loud editing is in progress. We’re 20% through. I seriously doubt if we’ll be done this weekend. So far, there have been quite a few major edits to the story. It’s nice to have someone else read the story and give feedback. So far, I’ve made the fixes needed and we’ll continue with this editing tomorrow.

My wife and I have a debate about the title. “The Demons” might not be a good fit for a SciFi book. The aliens add a little horror to the story, but it’s not really a horror-type story. I’m waiting for her to finish before making a decision on changing the title.

I just spent several hours formatting a paperback version of the Tome of Revelations. It looks really good. I ordered an author copy so I can review it. Though, I probably won’t receive the copy before I end up publishing it.

I also finished all the ink drawings, and diagrams, and edited the text for the Tome. I added a few new sections so I have material to work with inside the book. It came out to 23k words. I also added quotes to the chapter headings in the demons. There are approximately 25 chapters in The Demons and I managed to choose an appropriate Tome reference for most of them. So it looks like this:

Ah yes. This is going to be fun.