Writing Progress…

Summer has finally arrived here in Utah. My house sits at an altitude of 5,940 feet, so I’m happy that the snow finally quit and it is now over 80 degrees during the day. This means it is officially hiking season! My wife and I have a bucket list about a mile long and we checked off a few of our items over the Memorial day weekend. We drove a few technical roads to arrive at hiking trails to see the ruins of cliff dwellings. This one is called Moon House. Here’s the road:

The hike was a crazy death-defying climb down one side of a cliff and up the other where we are allowed to see the cliff dwelling up close:

And this is what we do in our free time. We try not to die while hiking treacherous trails to ancient ruins that have been abandoned thousands of years ago.

On to the writing progress

If you’ve been watching for the next Daphne book, you may have noticed that it’s running late. The missus has been reading the story to check for consistency problems and she’s managed to come up with some changes that improved the story significantly. These changes have been a lot of “aha” ideas that I didn’t catch because I’m too close to the story itself. She still has a few scenes to read through and I’m sure I’ll have some changes to go along with it. Writing a female protagonist has been a challenge and it helps to get a female perspective on it.

As soon as that book is completed, the third book will go into review and final editing. While I wait for those two books to get reviewed, I’m working on the rough draft for the fourth book, known as Stolen Property. This story is really clicking for me. Something that doesn’t always happen. Nav Computer was difficult to get the word count. I had to go back and focus on potential sub-plots to insert into that book. I ended up with a scene that gives an ominous foreshadowing of the main story of a future book. It’ll be something that will show up in Supercomputer. It’s more of an Easter egg than a spoiler.

The cover for Supercomputer has been requested. It’ll probably be another month or two before it’s done (My cover designer has a large backlog of work. Always a good thing). The minute I make the purchase, I’ll post a cover reveal.

Stay tuned.