Cover Reveal

The covers for The Nav Computer and Stolen Property are complete. Here’s what they’ll look like:

My covers are designed by Warren Design. The first two were chosen from artwork posted on the site. The two above are custom requests.

Book Description for The Nav Computer

Daphne finally has the money to upgrade her ship. When she turns down a shady salesman who tries to upsell her on a fancy nav computer, she gets more than she bargained for.

Book Description for Stolen Property

A distress signal compels Daphne to change course and rescue a ship in distress. After she sets down on a barren world and investigates an empty vessel, her spacecraft is hijacked and she is left alone on an uninhabited planet with a broken ship.

Writing Progress

These book descriptions are sure to change when I get close to publishing the books. I’ll probably wordsmith them some and a few tantalizing details without revealing the plot twists. I’m targeting 50k words, minimum for each book. Which will leave the first book as the smallest of the set (with a word count of 42k). My plan is to leave the first book discounted. The remaining books will be priced the same, even if the word count is high on some of them.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I plan to publish 5 books, then evaluate their performance. If they are doing well, then I’ll immediately start producing more. In fact, if they sell well before I finish the fifth book, I’ll just plow ahead and keep writing. I had 9 story ideas roughed out, now I have a few more. When I was writing Dangerous cargo, I created some characters that I want to make the centerpiece of future stories. They are secondary characters (people that Daphne makes friends with) and I want to put their lives in peril (because that’s what authors do) and task Daphne with getting them out of trouble.

Dangerous Cargo is finished, but it’s in review, so I may have to spend more time polishing that story. I hope to have that one completed this week or early next. The Nav Computer should go out shortly afterward. I only started typing the rough draft of Stolen Property, so it won’t be published for at least another month.

Don’t forget about the free stuff! I have a free Daphne short story out already. It’s called The Neutron Star. You’ll have to sign up for my newsletter to download it. I have plans for at least one more Daphne short story about her early life. I’ve been toying with the idea of turning it into a full novel. Either way, it will be free. For my fans who signed up for the newsletter, they will get a notification to download the book when it’s ready.

Finally, I will be ordering another custom cover soon. I want to get the fifth book cover before I start the rough draft. I’ll post it on this blog when it’s ready (probably in June). Stay tuned.