Writing Progress

I’m still here!

I came out to check on updates for this blog when I noticed that my last progress post was from January. Yikes! Readers are going to think I fell off the face of the Earth, or quit writing or something awful like that. I am still busy with the new series. I’m deep into the editing of the first book. I also have a second book in the series that is almost complete (only about 5k words to go). I also have the outlines fleshed out for two more books and outlines for several more started (9 total books in the series so far).

The series is titled “The Chronicles of Daphne Blazefire” and the first book cover looks like this:

Book Description:

When Daphne arrives at Novis Terminal to deliver her cargo she discovers the station is deserted. She and her trusty robot co-pilot R.U.S.T.Y. investigate, uncovering something sinister.

The second book cover looks like this:

Book Description:

Daphne accepts a job to deliver a small package to a destination she had never been to. She is offered a delivery fee that would finally allow her to dig herself out of her financial troubles. Unfortunately, her buyer is not the only one that wants the package in her cargo bay.

As I mentioned at the top, I have ideas for 9 books in the series so far. That means I have at least a multiple-paragraph description of what I want the story to be about. I have a running list of notes about plots and sub-plots that I could potentially turn into stories.

The basic premise is that Daphne became disillusioned with the corporate world, bought a used cargo ship and started her own business.

I’m working on the editing task on weeknights and weekends, so I should have the first book published by the end of the month (March). Dangerous Cargo should be out at the end of April. I plan to set a schedule to publish every two months. I’ll have to get a cover made for the third and fourth book by the end of April to keep that schedule. The only thing preventing me from doing all the covers at once is that I don’t have the titles nailed down yet, but I do have potential titles.

Stay tuned.