New Covers

The new covers for the Escape from the Abyss series have arrived. I’ll be putting these on the books pretty soon. Here’s what they’ll look like:

Final Match

I’m still about 9,000 words ahead of my schedule on this book. I’m trying to get further ahead, if it’s possible. It’s all a matter of how many hours per day I can put into the work. I’m still shooting for the first week of October, but I might have the book ready by the last week of September. It’ll be a great relief to have this project done. This thing has consumed most of the past two years to write. My original rough idea was to create a ten or even a twenty-book set. Looking back on that plan makes me realize that I was a bit crazy at the time. The only way I’ll write a ten-book series is if I’m creating shorter novels. Like, maybe 50 to 60 thousand words each. The Abyss books ranged from 90k to 136k in length. The Archons was the longest book and Nathanael was the shortest.

Well… Back to my writing.