Editing in Progress…

Editing Hopeless (Book 6 of the Escape from the Abyss series)

Hopeless is being edited. I changed the book indicator on the right side of this blog to show the % complete of editing instead of rough draft word totals. I should have changed that on Wednesday when I started editing the book, but it’s been a crazy, busy week. There are a couple of story fixes, and I haven’t written the prologue yet (I gotta maintain the theme of the series). Those additions are rather minor compared to previous books, so I know I’ll be done with them and editing by Friday. Saturday and Sunday will be the Read-Out-Loud. My wife and I should be able to get it read in one weekend, but it could drag into the work week (keeping my fingers crossed it doesn’t). Anyway, I’m shooting for a publish date of Monday, July 22nd.

Right now, the book’s word count stands at 91,745 words, but it will probably increase due to the addition of the prologue. Editing might reduce it a little. Nathanael came out at 90,318, so this book is about the same size. I’m planning to make Final Match the same length as this book.

The Book Cover Saga Continues

I lined up WarrenDesign to do new book covers for the Escape from the Abyss series. He did my Daphne series, and I’m really satisfied with his work. This will be a bit different. Daphne received a cover as I worked on the books. The Abyss series already has covers that will all be replaced at one time. That will happen sometime in August or September.


Summer is a slower time for writing because there is hiking to do on the weekends, and then there are holidays, like the week of the 4th. Nothing crushes my writing time like family staying at the house for a week. But sacrifices need to be made. On July 2nd, we did the Belle’s Falls hike. It’s been a few years since we hiked that one, and this time, we took family. Oh boy. Dragging around little kids makes the hike extra challenging. We all made it to the falls… alive (well, maybe a couple of minor boo-boos). Here’s a picture of what the falls look like (the second picture shows how high up we were from the valley):

Here’s what the trail to the falls looks like (click to enlarge):
