Secrets of the Tome – Published

Book 2 of the Escape from the Abyss series

I just clicked the publish button for the EBook version of Secrets of the Tome. It’s in review and as you know (if you’ve waited for other books), it will take a couple of hours before it shows up on Amazon’s website. Sometime this week, I’ll start working on the paperback. Then I’ll publish the EBook on Draft2Digital.

The final book came out to 115,948 words. I adjusted the total on the % complete status on this blog to make it line up with 100% (just so people know that the book is done). I’ll take that image down later. The book 3 image will slide up and I’ll plow ahead on the rough draft of that book.

What’s next?

Of course, I’m already into book 3. I’ll be working on the rough draft for the next month and a half, maybe two months. That would put me into mid-September. It seems to take a month to edit a book, especially in the Summer, so mid-October release?

There are still a bunch of tasks I have to complete on Secrets of the Tome. Including the paperwork for the copyright office, formatting a paperback edition, posting on Draft2Digital, etc. I also need to come up with a title and cover for book 3. I have a few title ideas that I’m rolling around in my brain as I try to decide which one to use.