Clearing the Deck

It’s been a busy day. I didn’t get any words written, but I managed to publish the remaining MacKenzie Steele short stories including Alien Surprise Attack. The cover for that short story looks like this:

I went through and made sure there were covers for each book. Then I uploaded an EBook version and a paperback version for each.

What this means is that I don’t have any monkey on my back bugging me to get this stuff wrapped up. I can pretty much forget about these tasks for some time and focus all of my energy on writing Desperate Action. I’m going to try to put together a cover for that book this weekend. That way I can get it posted on the blog on the book page (click here). I use this page to update the status of each book as I write it. When the book is complete, I put up the link to the site (Amazon at the moment) where it can be purchased.