Cover Reveal

I have the cover for Supercomputer. RUSTY looks a bit freaked out while Daphne appears to be operating the controller. Very dramatic.

I have to say that I cracked up when I first saw it. Then I thought about the story and said to myself: “That’ll work.”

The current story description (subject to change a little) says that Daphne gets a big payday and buys RUSTY a new CPU. I’ve changed it around a bit so that RUSTY suffers from a few failures and does some odd things. Daphne decides that it’s time to get him an upgrade even though it’s going to cost more than she’s willing to part with (that’s one of the main tropes of the story, as everyone knows).

So he gets this incredible upgrade and suddenly he knows how to do stuff. Daphne’s excited about the things he can do. Until… Ah, the first plot twist. Unfortunately, I have to keep that a secret. The first major plot twist will be near the point where the story goes from Act I to Act II. Let’s just say that RUSTY and Daphne dig themselves in deep on this story. It’ll take his super CPU capabilities to squeak out alive.

I put in 1,778 words today. Not bad for a short day (Work went an hour longer than normal today). The rough draft is sitting at 4,878 words.

Also, I noticed that a couple of people read The Nav Computer and at least one person read Stolen Property. Yay, I have a few fans for this series. I hope they stay tuned and come back when Supercomputer is published. If this series finds the right readers, it might do well enough to warrant additional books. I’ll probably do an occasional book (maybe one per year) anyway. Mainly because I have the story ideas down already.

Anyway, I still have to come up with an idea for a cover for Escape from the Abyss. Having a cover for a book makes it feel “official.” It motivates me to get the writing completed so I can get the package published. Nothing like the pressure of a good-looking cover staring down at me.

Butt in seat time!